[NEWS] Ten Thousand Fans In The Boss' 4th Single Album Event
Idol group The Boss showed off their popularity on their 4th Single album event on Japan.
The Boss released their Single album 'Love Days' on 10th December and held two events on a large shopping mall, Lazonna, which is
located on Kanagawa, Japan.
Ten thousand fans gathered on the event to celebrate the release of the new album and The Boss successfully had a hand-shaking
event to thank their fans.
Their title song, 'Love Days', is the 4th song of their 'Love Series'. The album includes one title song and four other songs which will
warm you up on cold winter days.
'Love Days' got the 7th place on Oricon Chart as soon as it was released and gave awareness to people of The Boss' popularity in Japan.
Source: Mydaily
Translation: Hee Sang@AstroMAFIA Sharing is sexy
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