[INTERVIEW] NU'EST Vogue Girl Magazine Interview!

By Blogger Master Senin, 30 April 2012 0 comments

Q.) What are the things that changed the most when you made debut?

*JR*However, Fans’ responses had totally changed. Before, people saw us because we’re on same stage with After School Sunbaes, but now we have our own stage. (V.G. You’ve received a lot of support from fans even before debut right?) We were very surprised because (the fans) shouts our names in the intervals of the song, There was even a time when I almost forgot the choreography!

Q.) It has now been 10 days since your debut (when doing interview) . When do you feel proud the most during that short period of time (after debut)?

*Aron*After our debut stage.

*Baekho*When we had our fanmeeting!

*Ren*When i saw my mother.

Q.) You’re in midst of promoting your debut song ‘Face’. The lyrics are about the violence at school, do you agree with the lyric?

*JR*Of course, because we are teenagers too.

*Ren*Although, we can’t directly say it, I hope people can put concern about the violence happening in schools when listening to our title song ‘Face’.

*Minhyun*I hope more people can be aware of this issue, and I hope there won’t be any violence at schools anymore.

Q.) I heard that you also applied the message of the lyrics through your choreography. You must have practiced the ‘Chair performance’ a lot.

*Baekho*If we do a mistake when spinning the chair, we could fall down together. For example, When Ren did a mistake; he fell down with JR’s chair that was in front. We kept practicing together as a group.

*JR*But as long as we get the point of the dance right, the rest can be helped personally so we don’t have to worry. Because each of us has different personalities, so, when dancing each of the members has a little bit different vibe.

Q.) The follow-up song from the single album, ‘I’m Sorry’’s atmosphere (with face) is totally different?

*JR*It’s a song that made our image reversed. Although it’s a ballad song, we’ll make it hard to imagine with ‘Face’s strong vibe and we can let people listen to our different voices.

Q.) Aron and JR wrote the lyrics for ‘NU, Establish, Style, Tempo’?

*JR*Both of us likes rapping. We listen to the ‘MR’ and Hyung (Aron) wrote the English lyrics while I wrote with Hangeul. That’s how we made the lyrics.

Q.)What kind of genre of music that you often listen?

*Minhyun*R&B Soul.

*Baekho*Hip Hop.

*Aron*R&B Soul and Jazz.

*Ren*I like all genre.

*JR*Because I like dancing, I mostly listen to up-beat songs. Sometimes, I connect the iPod(s) and play the music loudly. If a nice music played, I will ask about that song. And our vocal trainer doesn’t only give us one song to listen to but he also let listen to the other song(s) of the singer(s). And then, the vocal trainer will ask us to practice the song.

Q.) JR is from Kangreung, Ren and Minhyun are from Busan, Baekho is from Jejudo, and Aron is from LA. There’s a time when you talk with an accent of your own hometown and it’s sounds like a foreign language, right?

*Minhyun*Aron hyung learned some of our hometown(s) accent(Laugh). (V.G. Ren’s accent is a little bit obvious. But Baekho didn’t use the Jejudo accent at all.)

*Ren*So..Sometimes, I do. But, I..I fixed it!

*Minhyun*If Baekho starts talking in Jejudo accent, we couldn’t understand what he is saying. Jejudo accent is just like a foreign language.

Q.)Does Aron try to improve his korean skill? Before this photo shoot we distribute a question memo and he answered ‘첫 방상’ (Chot Bangsang) instead of ‘첫 방송’ (Chot Bangsong/1st Broadcast/Debut Stage).

*Aron*Ah, Sorry! Why did I wite that? (Everyone were laughing). Yeah, I improve a lot.

*Minhyun*When Hyung came to Korea, He can’t speak Korean at all. He only says “응” (Eung/Okay), “알았어” (Arasso/I got it), “Yes”.

*Aron*Not only the language, but the culture is unfamiliar to me, too.

*Minhyun*We cleaned the dorm together (except Aron) , early this year. Hyung is leisurely taking a shower by himself. When I asked “Hyung, What are you doing?” he just said “I’m taking a shower….?” (laugh).

*Aron*I didn’t know that, Really!

Translation Credits: thenuest
Credits + shared: Iceprinceafterschool @ Elite-Rebels
Sharing is sexy

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