[News] Fans sent 2,441kg of congratulatory rice for Tiffany’s musical debut in ‘FAME’!!

By Blogger Master Kamis, 22 Desember 2011 0 comments

Girls’ Generation and Tiffany’s fans from various countries have donated a total of 2,441kg of congratulatory rice in conjunction with Tiffany’s first performance for the musical ‘FAME’ on December 21st at the Olympic Park.
To congratulate Tiffany’s debut in musical, fans, not only from Korea but foreign countries, have sent 2,441 kg of congratulatory rice. J-SONE JAPAN has sent 801kg while Japanese fansite sosipen.net has sent 500kg. Tiffany House & SONEs from Taiwan has sent 300kg while China and Hong Kong have each sent 100kg. 620kg were sent by Korean fans, with 20kg from anonymous senders.

The staff from the musical ‘FAME’ stated, “Fans from both Korea and foreign countries have requested for us to receive their congratulatory rice since last month, but we couldn’t accept all of them because we did not have enough space. The musical ‘FAME’ has received a total of 8,546kg of congratulatory rice, not only from Tiffany’s fans, but also fans of EunHyuk, JungMo and Lina. This is, so far, the most congratulatory rice a musical has received.”
After the musical ends, the congratulatory rice they have received will be donated to those in need.
‘FAME’, a story of youths’ dreams and goals, will be performed until January 29th.

Credit: Sports Chosun
Translated by: Taengfan@fanwonder.com
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