130217 Inkigayo Performers list
# Comeback Special #
- Rainbow [Golden Touch / Tell me Tell me]
- B.A.P [Rain Sound / One Shot]
- NU’EST [Hello Hello / Hello]
- B.A.P [Rain Sound / One Shot]
- NU’EST [Hello Hello / Hello]
# Hot Music #
- CNBLUE [I'm sorry]
- SISTAR19 [Gone Not Around Any Longer]
- Clazziquai [Love Recipe]
- 2YOON [24/7]
- Nine Muses [Dolls]
- December [Memories]
- VIXX [On and On]
- DMTN [Safety Zone]
- BaeChiGi [Tears Shower (feat.Ailee)]
- Jang Hee Young [You Are Really Not Good]
- SISTAR19 [Gone Not Around Any Longer]
- Clazziquai [Love Recipe]
- 2YOON [24/7]
- Nine Muses [Dolls]
- December [Memories]
- VIXX [On and On]
- DMTN [Safety Zone]
- BaeChiGi [Tears Shower (feat.Ailee)]
- Jang Hee Young [You Are Really Not Good]
# Fresh Music #
- Moon Hee Jun [Pioneer]
- Two X [Ring Ma Bell]
- Jevice [Cause Of U]
- DASONI [Good Bye]
- Two X [Ring Ma Bell]
- Jevice [Cause Of U]
- DASONI [Good Bye]
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