[Trans] Key: "Until we meet again"!

By Blogger Master Jumat, 09 Maret 2012 0 comments

SHINee's Key updated their Japanese mobile fansite with new message and pictures.

Key shared the picture of himself above on Japanese mobile fansite and wrote:


Everyone on mobile fansite, hello, this is Key.
I am now in the midst of preparing for concert and Musical, and putting a huge effort in SHINee’s new song.

This time again, (I think) we are going to be delivering a splendid song, so everyone, please look forward to it.

Please also look forward to SHINeeWorld 2012 that will begin very soon!

Well then ~ Until we meet again
ByeBye ~

Key revealed that he is currently preparing for a concert and musical and of course giving attention and much effort to their new song. Key assures you that they will comeback with a great song.

Look forward to SHINee's comeback and SHINeeWorld2012.

Source/Credits: SHINee's Japan Mobile Fansite
Translation by: NINGZzhi (@_almightyblings)
Written by: angelclowie18@dkpopnews.net
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