[Trans] Hyunseong doesn't know how he will going to spend White Day!

By Blogger Master Rabu, 14 Maret 2012 0 comments

Boyfriend's Hyunseong posted his message on their fancafe.

On the 14th, Hyunseong wrote:

[From. Hyunseong♡] White Day~~~~^^
Everyone~ it has been a long time, hasn’t it~~~ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
How have everyone been??
Recently, we have been practicing really hard to show you a cooler comeback performance~~~캬항~~~
Hey!! It’s White Day today… Don’t know how I’m going to spend it.
Did you guys receive lots of candies??
You have to date on this kind of day right??
Date~~~ it’s such a pity that we cant date with our Bestfriends~~ㅎㅎㅎ
Next time we have to spend it together~ I hope you enjoy the White Day ~~~ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Ppyong~ even though it’s such a pity I can’t receive any candy….

Hyunseong said that he doesn't know how he will spend the White Day and he sadly said that it's a pity that they cannot date their Bestfriends. He also revealed that he didn't receive any candies. 
Do you believe in what he have said? I dont think so because Bestfriends will surely give them lots of candies.

Share your idea on how you will spend White Day by just leaving a comment below.

[translation by:@HoneyTreeee for @BOYFRIENDWORLD | boyfriendworld.tumblr.com]
Written by: angelclowie18@dkpopnews.net Sharing is sexy

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