[News] Jaejoong’s Official Apology “Even in Extreme Situations, I Will Be More Responsible”!

By Blogger Master Jumat, 09 Maret 2012 0 comments

Kim Jaejoong has released an official apology concerning the sasaeng assault controversy that has surfaced in the past couple of days.
On March 8th (local time) Kim Jaejoong and the other JYJ members held a press conference in Santiago, Chile at the Raddison Hotel for the JYJ 2012 Latin America tour. During this conference, the members opened up about the sasaeng controversy.
The members confessed that ever since they debuted in 2004, they have had to endure extremely painful moments because of sasaeng fans.
JYJ’s Kim Junsu even stated “they use our identification to expose our private phone calls and also place GPS trackers on our cars to monitor our every move. There were instances of breaking and entering where fans would take pictures of us while sleeping, try to kiss us, and steal our private items. Some fans even hired taxis to collide into our cars to see us in person.”
“Our lives began to fall apart as we would be groped, touched, and defiled every moment of the day. We, as humans, should at least be able to ask for a bare minimum standard of living, but instead we are forced to live in indescribable pain”.
Kim Jaejoong stated “We want to give an apology for our past behavior. We are sorry that we caused our fans to worry about us and that we forced them to share our pain.”
He followed by saying “In the future we will think about those who love us whenever we are facing situations which are mentally difficult and will try to act more responsibly. Because of those who support us through the pain we go through, we will try not to break down again.” He then finished with “For those fans who always cherish and support us on stage, I will do my best”
Translation by: Yule @ PrinceJJ.com
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