[News] Comedian Park Jisun tweets about her mother’s reaction to Minho’s "Sherlock" picture teaser

By Blogger Master Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012 0 comments
(Shawols should be familiar with Park Jisun as she appeared on an episode of Yunhanam. She's done a radio segment with Jonghyun on Sukira in the past and are on pretty close terms. Jisun has also done a few skits on Gag Concert with SHINee)

Comedian Park Jisun‘s mom expressed her affection for SHINee‘s Minho after viewing his picture teaser for upcoming album "Sherlock".

On March 10th, Jisun tweeted, "My mom saw SHINee's teasers and has on an expression as if time stopped. That's right, after the idol sports competition, my mom started to see Minho as a man. She says dad and Minho are nothing alike."

Park Jisun’s mother, resembling her daughter in wittiness, caused much laughter amongst fans by voicing her feelings for Minho. Various responses were sent back to Park Jisun, saying, “Park Ji Sun’s mom seems to have a good sense for these things” and “I agree 100%. Should we sign your mother up for the fan club?”

Source/Credits:@shiningtweets, TV Report
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