[NEWS] Big Bang did shuffle dance at Incheon International Airport for a CF

The shuffle dance of Big Bang has seized the attention of the public.
Big Bang was chosen as the model of a beverage brand and they have recently shot a TV CF. This commercial will be aired on the coming 10th. Through their shuffle dance, Big Bang will deliver the message of the advertisement which is 'Fresh Switch'.
The filming of their shuffle dance in Incheon International Airport has attracted much attention. After Big Bang had done their shuffle dance, their fans followed them and did the flash mob there.
Despite the fact that they are already very tired because of their comeback promotion activities for their 'Alive' comeback, they still have practiced their choreography smoothly and showed their cheerful side. Moreover, there were many fans whom directly participated in the flash mob, the onlookers praised the group as ' Worldstar Big Bang.'
After filmming the CF , Big Bang said, ' it has been a long time since we received love by being a model of this brand and we are going to carry out some more activities for the brand.'
Source: tvreport
Translated by: Rice @bigbangupdates.com
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