[Trans] Boyfriend on Chinese magazine, fans★fans!

By Blogger Master Senin, 06 Februari 2012 0 comments


Q: How were you feeling on the day of the IVY club photoshoot?
A: During this photoshoot, we got to work with the super adorable Son Yeon-jae, so I feel really happy (laughs)!

Q: Do you prefer wearing school uniform or your own personal wear?
A: Actually I haven’t been able to wear on school uniform for a long time, and so I’ve been really missing wearing the school uniform more and more! However, because of today’s photoshoot, I get to don a school uniform, so I feel really happy! Because I haven’t been able to wear the school uniform for ages, I think I am really old now (laughs)? In all, wearing the school uniform just feels different, it’s a great feeling!

Q: In the IVY club commercial Boyfriend looks really smart and handsome, the uniforms are also nicely fitting, but how was your school uniform like in the past?
A: In the past I would always alter my uniform, because the sleeves and width of the shirt is too big for my physique, so I would always alter it a little! Ah~ the most important thing is to wear IVY club uniforms!

Q: How to wear the school uniform neatly? Give everyone some tips!
A: I think when wearing the school uniform, it is always best to pair it up with sport shoes, because sport shoes are really nice and can match well with a different colored bag. I used to like wearing white sport shoes, I think that white sport shoes go really well with the white uniform top.

Q: After Boyfriend became singers, because of work you guys were always unable to go to school, so you guys look really happy wearing the school uniform today! In school, what’s the thing you want to do the most?
A: I became a trainee in high school, and needed to do much training, so in my impression, I always slept through lessons in school, because training always made me tired. Although I regret not studying hard enough, but the biggest regret is that I didn’t make much friends, and now that I think about it, school life really seems interesting.

Q: The things you weren’t able to do with your high school classmates, did you manage to do them with the members of Boyfriend?
A: There’s a football field near our dormitory, so we’ll go there to play soccer, and sometimes we’ll run too, using sports to get rid of our stress. Sometimes we split into teams tgo play against each other too, and nowadays we play against some French students too.

Q: When playing soccer with the French students, how’s the score like?
A: Not only French students, sometimes Black students will also play soccer with us, but the Black students are really strong, and if we come into contact with them, we’ll be at a disadvantage, but we still win quite often. Most of the times I’m in charge of freestyle (?) ball, and my spinning kick (?) is quite good too.

Q: What do you guys normally do in the dormitory?
A: Because there’s only a television in the dormitory, so we’ll always watch music programmes, or sit together to have a chat. However, because everyone is always tired most of the times from all the schedules, so if we don’t have much to do we’ll try to sleep as early as we can.

Q: Besides endorsing school uniforms, what else do you guys want to endorse?
A: I think energy drinks would be good, because we practice a lot, and so we require lots of energy (laughs).


Q: Do you still remember the first impression you had of the Boyfriend members when you first saw them?
A: I remember the first time I saw the twin brothers Youngmin and Kwangmin, I thought they looked really alike, plus why were their eyes so big, and how did they manage to be so tall and skinny, so during then for a moment I felt that I had no talents and wasn’t outstanding~

Q: How have you guys bonded during this period of time?
A: As everyone starts spending more and more time with each other, our relations both in work and feelings have become better, and we’re able to understand each other.

Q: You guys haven’t debuted for long, so do you still remember the first time you stood on the stage?
A: The first time I stood on the stage is something I’ll never forget in my entire life, the moment I stood on the stage, I felt that it was getting hard to breathe, and my vision started blurring too. Listening to the fans’ support made me nervous too! However, after the performance ended, I was filled with regrets, because I could have done better.

Q: Boyfriend’s dancing style has changed a lot, so during dance practices, is it hard to keep up?
A: Actually no, because as long as everyone tries hard with each other, it isn’t hard at all! There isn’t any tip to dancing, practice makes perfect.

Q: After entering the entertainment business, did you become good friends with other artists?
A: I haven’t been so close to any artist to call them a “friend”, it’s mostly just greetings during work. However, I look forward to making more friends in the future!

Q: Nowadays most idol groups are all so all-rounded, especially in the variety/entertainment aspect, so are you interested in this?
A: Although this is kinda stressing for me, but I would like to try out everything, especially tourism related programs.

Q: Hyunseong who is actually quite bubbly in real life, seems to be afraid of the camera, so have you overcome this fear yet?
A: Actually I don’t feel shy when the camera is rolling, but only when I get off the stage will I get shy (laughs).


Q: Do you prefer to wear school uniform or your own personal clothes?
A: If I wear school uniform, then I need not worry about what to wear. Wearing school uniform also feels official and neat, so I kinda miss those days I wore the school uniform!

Q: How to wear the school uniform smartly? Give everyone some tips!
A: If it’s a cool day, it’d be too cold to wear a short-sleeved top, but it’ll be too warm to don winter clothes, during this period, I will wear a cardigan above the blouse, this is how I freely style my uniform! (Youngmin replies: “If you wear this wouldn’t you get hit?”. Donghyun replies: “Seems like you’re someone even the teacher can’t mess with easily!”)

Q: After entering the music industry, have you made any friends with other artists?
A: Because of work-related schedules, we always bump into Super Junior sunbaenim, and I like them a lot, they are really friendly people, hopefully there will be a chance in the future to be good friends with them.

Q: Nowadays idol groups are all so all-rounded, especially in the variety/entertainment aspect, are you interested in this?
A: I’m very interested in participating in programs, this way, everyone can see a even more realistic and different images of me.

Q: Boyfriend’s leader Donghyun is already a legal adult, and there seems to be quite a huge age gap between him and maknae Minwoo, so is there a gap in their relationship?
A: Haha, they have the same views of music, but sometimes they do seem to have a generation gap~

Q: How do you handle both being a student and an artist?
A: If time permits, I would like to appreciate the learning time I have in school. Recently when I returned back to school to do my exams, I felt really happy to see my friends and teachers!

Q: What’s your best and worst subject in school?
A: My best is definitely Music! My worst is Mathematics, it’s really hard ah!

Youngmin & Kwangmin:

Q: How were you feeling on the day of the IVY club photoshoot?
Kwangmin: Actually before I became an idol, I already really wanted to try out a school uniform commercial, and I kept thinking, one day I’ll be able to do it, right? I didn’t expect that it’ll really come true! I feel really happy!

Q: Do you prefer wearing school uniform or your own personal clothing?
Youngmin: After becoming an artist, because there’s many promotions going on, so we really do not have much time to experience school life anymore, so now, I actually kinda miss school life, the days of wearing school uniform. I used to think that wearing school uniform wasn’t anything special, but now I actually really want to.

Q: How to wear the school uniform smartly? Give everyone some tips!
Youngmin: I think the most important factor is to buy a size that fits your figure, if it fits it’ll look nice. Many guy friends around me will alter their school uniform to fit them better, and the girls will alter their skirt a little shorter, just like a mini-skirt, often making people stare till their soul is being dragged along* (laughs).
Kwangmin: IVY club has really nice school uniform, wearing it makes my figure look nice, especially the thigh area, which will look longer, it’s really magical! I have never altered my school uniform shorter, but I remember altering it to be a little more fitting.

Q: After debuting, because of work, the members of Boyfriend are often unable to go to school, so you guys seem really happy wearing the school uniform today! In school, what do you guys want to do the most?
Youngmin: The thing I wanna do most, ah~ It should most likely be going out after school with my friends to play, hmm?! Before debuting, I often went with friends to arcades to play around, and also often went to my friends’ houses to play, it seems like most of my time was spent with my friends, at least that’s true for middle school and before.
Kwangmin: During middle school I loved playing soccer and basketball, but nowadays I don’t have time to play these sports anymore, what a pity!

Q: Donghyun said that you guys would play soccer with the overseas students near the dormitory, so who wins most of the time? What posts do you twins always play?
Youngmin: It’s equal, sometimes we’ll win too! Usually Minwoo and I would be the goalkeepers (laughs), because it’s the least tiring, we only just have to look at others running around.
Kwangmin: I don’t like activities that require contact with another person, so I also prefer being the goalkeeper (laughs).

Q: Other than school uniforms, what else would you guys like to endorse?
Youngmin: Anything that has got to do with eating is not bad~
Kwangmin: Actually anything is okay, if anyone is willing to get us to endorse, I think I’ll be willing to try anything out!

Q: What’s the biggest difference between the you twins?
Kwangmin: It should be our personality! Youngmin-hyung is more lively and outgoing, while I’m more of an introverted, quiet person.

Q: Besides the twins, there is also a younger brother at home, discuss about how your younger brother is different from you guys?
Youngmin: He’s still very small! Because I’m the older brother, so I really want to take care of him. His personality is more similar to Kwangmin, he has a 4D personality too!

Q: Besides executing the school uniform perfectly, Kwangmin’s airport fashion has also come into the spotlight, what do you have to say about this?
Kwangmin: Haha, I really want to thank all the people who love my style, and everytime to look better I spend a lot of time thinking and planning what to wear! I am liking the color black more recently, because black seems to fit everything perfectly, and I also like to use hats to add in an extra point.

Q: Members all seem to think that Youngmin has a slower personality, do you ever wanna change it?
Youngmin: Actually I’ve never really noticed this point, but after some serious thought I think it’s quite true, it seems like some problems might arise because of my slow personality.

Q: How to wear the uniform smartly? Give everyone some tips!
A: I normally wouldn’t do any alterations to my school uniform, but in winter, I will specially add on a scarf as an accessory, just with a scarf and the whole uniform will look nice.
Q: How do you balance both being a student and an artist?
A: Although striking balance between both is hard, especially work because of the many promotions, but if there’s time to return back to school, our members all enjoy it.
Q: What’s your best and worst subject in school?
A: I think the most interesting subject is Physical Education, I can totally relax! I’m the most disinterested in Mathematics, I seem to be unable to understand anything at all!
Q: Although you guys look really smart in the school uniform, many fans think that you boys are too skinny, so normally do you guys watch your weight?
A: I’ve always been skinny, but I am healthy, so please don’t worry! Recently to make myself even healthier, I’ve started working out!
Q: Although Boyfriend has yet to officially debut in many overseas countries, but you guys have many international fans. Are you shocked at the amount of international fans you guys have?
A: Rather than saying we’re “popular”, I am more shocked at the fact that so many overseas fans have such continuous support for us, I’m really thankful to everyone for their attention!
Q: Do you still remember the first impression of the Boyfriend members when you guys first met?
A: The first time I saw twins Youngmin and Kwangmin, I thought they looked exactly identical. Although it was our first meeting, I was quite confident I’d get along really well with the twins!
Q: You guys have not debuted for long, do you still remember your debut stage?
A: To be honest, during then after we just got off the stage, I had a feeling of being “unable to comprehend how we completed that stage”, I remember being really stiff on the stage back then! My most lasting impression of then is when Kwangmin cried because he made a mistake! Hahahaha~
source: BoyfriendTW
translations: honeyrinayu | weloveBoyfriend.wordpress.com

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