[Trans] CJeS Announcement about the cancellation of ‘The Day’ theatrical release!

By Blogger Master Selasa, 31 Januari 2012 0 comments

Since this announcement was made, CJeS has updated their website with "Hello, this is C-JeS Entertainment. We’re sorry to worry you about the cancellation of The Day’s screening. At present, we’re trying our best to fulfill fans’ support and expectation. We hope to be able to show you The Day on screen as soon as possible. Thank you for always loving JYJ." and are still working hard to ensure that The Day will get the screening it deserves. Also, please read CJeS’s president, Baek Changjoo’s message at the end of this post because it reveals a lot about the challenges JYJ and CJeS face everyday.
This is C-JeS Entertainment.
We announce that the theatrical release of daily documentary The Day has been inevitably cancelled. First of all, we are really sorry that the promise of screening we made has been reversed. We would like to apologize with all due respect.
Deciding to show the ‘JYJ’s daily documentary’, which couldn’t be broadcast last year due to external pressure, on the big screens for domestic fans, on the 5th December, we have started business discussion with CGV.
After that, on the 15th December, we had our first meeting and got general guide about the screening schedule, duration, opening number, ticket price, and etc. We have received primary verbal decision for this screening and have begun the planning and the production.
During a month, via back-and-forth email, instant messaging and verbal agreement, the examination on opening’s scale, premiere, schedule and contract procedures was conducted. On Jan 16th, we had 2nd meeting with the person in charge. Greeting stages’ schedule, joint promotion, PR scale, management of live greeting stages at national multiplexes, etc., were discussed. On Jan 19th, on the agreement of both sides, the examination of contract’s contents was completed and press releases were distributed. We have received sealed contract on the 20th.
But also on the 20th, CGV notified us via phone, “The final decision-maker hasn’t approved. So the contract needs to be initialized.” And we refuted, “Two companies have discussed for more than a month and even had a contract, we can’t be convinced that the contract is cancelled due to internal reasons. We suggest screening schedule adjustment as alternative plan and further discussion is needed.” 
But on the 25th, the following notice was sent to us via email. “To the new board of managers, in reference to the process of business report, the internal reports and continuing progress of The Day weren’t properly accomplished according to the rule.  So the screening is lastly difficult to be held.” They said, “Taking The Day’s internal innovation as example, it hasn’t followed proper process. Therefore, due to strict regulation, we fell into a very difficult situation.” Finally, they said that the screening itself was difficult, not as a “consultation” but as a “notice” (T/N: C-JeS wants to say that CGV unilaterally decided the cancellation without prior discussion with C-JeS)
The channel’s owners are abusing their advantageous position. CGV has unilaterally broken this business-to-business contract. We’re trying our best to protect our legitimate rights by filing a complaint to the FTC and the Anti-Corruption & Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission.
Also, even if the reason for cancelation was internal process’ problem, we can’t understand this situation that CGV has created. In spite of one month of discussion, they abruptly cancelled the screening right after the press release. About this, we demand once again their convincible answer.
We will try our best to give you new announcement about this issue as soon as possible.
Once again, we apologize for this unfortunate news. We ask for fans’ understanding.
Also, here is C-JeS Entertainment’s representative Baek Changjoo’s related position about this case.
“First of all, I’m sorry that we once again couldn’t keep our promise with fans. I don’t understand CGV’s internal situation that caused them to even give notice about the non-fulfillment of the contract instead of amending it. But what I would like to say is that, it’s absurd to decide the cancellation so proudly and rashly, despite the fact that the business-to-business contract was sealed and the press releases were announced.
In the mean time, we have been trying our best in given situation. We did not hesitate, did not give up and did the best that we could, and therefore, we gained good results. Even though we didn’t get  support from the system that industrialized K-POP, with just JYJ’s music and talent,  we’re on the way to complete a real world tour traversing Asia, North America, Europe, Latin America, etc.
We have tried to grab that not much opportunity, and in order to keep that opportunity not to die in vain,   we have devoted all our strength to death. I don’t have the strength to win over big company in this fight. And I don’t have confidence [to win] either. But once again, I would like to inform you about these absurd acts that might never stop and call for help.
I know that the biggest social problem nowadays is “mass bullying”. A group of people join force to isolate someone from the collective, I know that it’s the nature of “bullying”. Also, ignoring and remaining idle have lead to the shaking of the whole society’s basis. As I mentioned, I don’t have power nor confidence. But in this unreasonable situation that wrong values are prevalent, I’m going to fight back without hesitation or resignation, so the 2nd, 3rdvictim won’t appear.
Please earnestly listen to this. We’re expected to let you hear JYJ’s music through albums, to let them sing on the stage along with fans and to let them meet fans.
If you ask me, “What is so hard about that?”, I would like to say, “Please look at this preposterousness and these things that went beyond the law’s logic. Those things unofficially happened to us more than 2~3 times a week.”
I apologize once again to bring to you, fans who love JYJ, sad news again.”
Translation by: The_Little_Pear of JYJ3
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