[news] Kang Ji Young through the years, graduation photo's revealed
Recently, KARA's Kang Jiyoung graduation photo's were revealed through an online community. It was entitled, "The grand revelation of Kang Jiyoungs not embarrassing graduation photos"
The photo's was a compilation of Jiyoung through the years, her elementary graduation photo, middle school and high school graduation photo. Through the years Jiyoung shows her pure beauty, netizens commented, "Jiyoung is really beautiful", "She has superior genes", "She does not have a single embarrassing graduation photo, wow".
Jiyoung's natural beauty exudes even in her younger years, even without the help of make up, Jiyoung sure is a 100% beauty. Meanwhile, Jiyoung is currently participating in KBS "invincible youth season 2" as part of G8.
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