[news] 1 night 2 days to conclude filming, future is still unknown?

By Blogger Master Rabu, 11 Januari 2012 0 comments

Variety show "1 Night 2 days" are already packing up and are having their last recordings for the next three weeks. After having a short break, the show continued their recording and will be filming for a new episode on the 13th and 14th of January.

However, despite the show ending soon, the future of the show is still unknown, and official of the show said, "We do not know yet if the show is going to have a second season and we also do not know if there will be already a follow up show to replace 1 Night 2 Days".

Despite the vague future of the show, the staff and members will be filming for a new episode. No official news yet have been set about the show, the staff and members are still waiting for any news and will respect the decision of KBS.

Source: Nate news Sharing is sexy

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