120108 Inkigayo Performers List!
# Take 7!
Trouble Maker [Trouble Maker], Davichi and T-ara [We Were In Love], SNSD [Mr.Taxi], Electro Boyz [Ma Boy 2], Wonder Girls [Girls Gilrs], A pink [My My], Boyfriend [I'll Be There]
# Comeback special #
- Lee Hyun [Because It's You]
- NS Yoonji [The Reason i Became A Witch]
- Fat Cat [Is Being Prety Everything?]
- Koyote [Repeating Words]
- TEEN TOP [Girl Friend/Crazy]
# TAKE 7 #
- A Pink [MY MY]
- Boyfriend [I'll Be There]
- Davichi and T-ara [We Were In Love]
- Trouble Maker [Trouble Maker]
# Hot Misic #
- AA [Because I'm Crazy]
- X-5 [Dangerous]
- Park Hyun Bin [Hour Glass]
- IU [You and Me]
# Fresh Music #
- Chocolat [I Like it]
- F.I.X [Don't Say It]
- CHAOS [She's Coming]
- Dynamic Duo [Without You]
- T-ara [Lovey Dovey] Sharing is sexy
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