[Trans/Twitter] Sandeul's explosion of tweets in the middle of the night!
Jinyoung hyung, when is it my turn?! I'm starting to feel sleepy ㅋ
RT @SANDEUL920320: 진영이형 제 차례는 언제예요?!졸리기시작 ㅋ http://yfrog.com/h71jgnasj
RT @SANDEUL920320: 진영이형 오늘 필 받았나봐 바로랑 둘이 신났어 ㅋ http://yfrog.com/h62lgdtj
"Jinyoung hyung", I called out to him.
RT @SANDEUL920320: 진영이형하고 불렀다 http://yfrog.com/od3hnydj
"Baro-ya", I called out to him.
RT @SANDEUL920320: 바로야하고 불렀다 http://yfrog.com/nx6srdvj
Me ㅋ
RT @SANDEUL920320: 나 ㅋ http://yfrog.com/ocyalkuj
Jinyoung hyung's hand, my arm and Baro's pants. The practice room.
RT @SANDEUL920320: 진영이형손 내팔 바로청바지 연습실 http://yfrog.com/obdr7dkj
I want to call out to Shinwoo hyung and Channie too, but they're not here!!!!ㅜㅜ
RT @SANDEUL920320: 신우형하고 찬이는 부르고 싶어도 없어!!!!ㅜㅜ
RT @SANDEUL920320: 진영이형 한번 더 불러봐야지~~~~~~~
Jinyoung hyung refused to look at me even when I called out to him so insteadㅋ He (Baro) doesn't have the expensive feelㅋ
RT @SANDEUL920320: 진영이형은 불러도 안봐서 대신ㅋ 비싸지 못해ㅋㅋ http://yfrog.com/khen8yaj
We're now going to the dormitory so sleep well~! Good night?? Good morning??
RT @SANDEUL920320: 이제 저희도 숙소에 갈꺼니까 잘자요~!굿나잇??굿모닝??
RT @SANDEUL920320: ♥△♥
Lots of new photos from Sandeul.
Source: Sandeul's Twitter
Translation Credits: skipfire @ FLIGHTB1A4.com
Sharing is sexyTranslation Credits: skipfire @ FLIGHTB1A4.com
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