[Photo/Twitter] Minah: "So Christmas has ended like this…"
On December 26th, Girl's Day Minah shared a new cute picture of herself on her personal Twitter account.
Minah tweeted the photo above and she said
"엄마표 닭볶음탕을 먹었는데 오랜만에 밥한공기를 다먹었다!!! 유후~ 숙소와서 누우니까 또생각이나네요… 이렇게 크리스마스가 끝이나고…"
Translation: "I had a spicy chicken stew my mother cooked, and along with that I ate up a bowl of rice, which it’s been a while!!! Yahoo~ Lying on the bed in the dorm made me think of that again… So Christmas has ended like this…"
In the picture, Minah is seen posing cutely with a funny facial expression. She is really adorable in the picture!
Source: Minah's Twitter
Written by: angelclowie18@dkpopnews.net
Sharing is sexy
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